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Gone With the Wind

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Director: Victor Fleming

Cast: Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Olivia de Havilland, Leslie Howard, Hattie McDaniel

On the eve of the American Civil War, rich, beautiful and self-centred Scarlett O'Hara has everything she could want - except Ashley Wilkes. But as the war devastates the South, Scarlett discovers the strength within herself to protect her family and rebuild her life.

Genre: Romance

Year: 1939

Running time: 238 minutes

Territory: Worldwide

Studio: Warner Bros.

Format: 4K DCP

Language options: Dialogue - EN | Subtitle - SV, XX, HE, AR, PT, RU, FR, JA, LAS, QBP

On the eve of the American Civil War, rich, beautiful and self-centred Scarlett O'Hara has everything she could want - except Ashley Wilkes. But as the war devastates the South, Scarlett discovers the strength within herself to protect her family and rebuild her life.


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